Reactive Programming with Scala and Akka by Prasanna Kumar Sathyanarayanan
Reactive Programming with Scala and Akka Prasanna Kumar
Sathyanarayanan ebook
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited
ISBN: 9781783984343
Format: pdf
Page: 221
We'll have a mystery guest speaker who will present on using Scala for Reactive Programming. Buy Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka by Vaughn Vernon (ISBN: 9780133846836) from Amazon's Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano Paperback £ 23.99. Online-services internet-of-things technology financial-services media retail slick play akka internet-of-things java spark scala microservices. He may have a few words to say about Akka Streams as well. Reactive programming using scala and akka. Scala and Functional Programming can be scary at first for those of us coming ( Play Framework, Akka, and Scala), RxJava, Reactive Streams, and NodeJS. Want to hear the latest happenings in the world in Scala? In this meetup which was a part of our ongoing knolx session, i talked about reactive programming using scala and akka. Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Find unique online training on Domain-Driven Design, Scala, Akka, and other Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano Paperback $40.89. One more example of what can be implemented using Akka Akka Stream and Http 2.0. An Example of Functional Programming Map reduce with Akka and Scala: The famous word count Advanced Reactive Programming with Scala & Akka. Lots of Advanced Reactive Programming with Scala & Akka. Is a two-day advanced course on building distributed reactive applications using Akka and Scala. Would you like to learn functional programming in Scala? Scala is an elegant and concise programming language that integrates both functional and Deep Dive into the Typesafe Reactive Platform - Akka and Scala .